Our Blogs

Peanut butter bones recipe
It's peanut butter and banana time! Every pup owner knows how much your pooch loves peanut butter. Now you can treat them to homemade deliciously baked biscuits from your kitchen!

Bedtime biscuits recipe
Feeling the post xmas slump and just want to snuggle up with a film and your pup? Then why don't you treat your furry companion(s) to a cosy chamomile biscuit and keep those winter cuddles going.

Pupcakes recipe
Looking for a new at-home doggy safe snack for your pooch? Treat your dog to a delicious homemade pupcake! You can guarantee that your pet will love them (maybe you will too...)

Keep your pup entertained in lockdown
If you are struggling to keep your canine friends occupied during lockdown and you miss puppy therapy as much as we do, then give our top 5 tips to keep you and your pup happy and healthy a read.

How to soften the edges of self-isolation
The lockdown has been a challenging time for us all. Check out these quick wins that can keep you functioning 'normally' during this time of isolation.