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202306 22 Bishopsgate 1 EH
Mental health
November 20, 2023

How happy employees handle confrontation better

Ensuring that your employees are happy will equip them with the skills to handle tricky situations experienced at the workplace, just like confrontation.

Why employers should book puppy therapy
Mental health
October 26, 2023

Why employers should book puppy therapy

“We can all agree that puppy therapy sounds like fun, but is that enough reason to book it for my workplace?” Healthy, happy employees create better workplaces and find it easier to engage with their jobs. So let’s dive in!

How to avoid burnout at work
Mental health
October 09, 2023

How to avoid burnout at work

Burnout is an intense and prolonged experience of being both mentally and physically exhausted. It usually appears following a sustained period of stress and is often work-related. Here are some of the things to watch out for to help you avoid burnout at work.

How to make the most of your employee wellbeing budget
Mental health
September 26, 2023

How to make the most of your employee wellbeing budget

How can you get the most out of your wellbeing budget? Let’s look at a few ideas of where to spend your employee wellbeing budget and what you might be able to achieve.

How a dog can improve your mental wellbeing
Mental health
August 15, 2023

How a dog can improve your mental wellbeing

There’s no such thing as too much mental health and wellbeing. There's always room for improvement, whether you’re currently facing difficulties or coming from a great starting position. Pets can make a big difference in your emotional state. They can be companions, encourage healthy habits, and help you deal with difficult situations. Dogs are especially good for our wellbeing. Let’s look at why.

World Mental Health Day 2023: A quick guide for employers
Mental health
August 10, 2023

World Mental Health Day 2023: A quick guide for employers

This year, World Mental Health Day falls on Tuesday, the 10th of October. Let’s look at a few ways to mark World Mental Health Day 2023 and how to use the event to encourage mental health conversations and initiatives in the workplace.

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